Get more B2B leads,
with email courses.

Show your authority and build trust with your customers.
Launch your 1st course!
30-day free trial

🤝 You build trust

How many people are afraid to commit when they land on you website?

Email course is a way for you to show your expertise!

⏱ You don't waste your time.

Focus only on your writing, not on the setup.

Snackcourse is the simplest way for you to launch an email course.

💸 You pay one price, forever.

You can have 100 or 10.000 subscribers, the price will be the same.

An affordable right now and all along your usage.

Any course ideas?
Value first, sales second.

Snackcourse banner

✨ Exclusive space

At the end of a course, each subscriber will find the content on a dedicated space for them.

💙 Collect reviews

Ask for reviews for each of your course to improve them and to give your customers another reason to trust you.

Only one pricing

30-day free trial

$6.99 / month
  • Unlimitted subscribers
  • Unlimitted courses
  • Unlimitted landing pages with forms
  • Exclusive space for your subscirbers (soon)
  • Collect reviews (soon)

Want to know more?

Snackcourse is a tool for freelancers, small businesses or agencies who want to get more leads.

With Snackcourse you automate the way someone can learn about your expertise. You can create courses as much as you want for the same price all along your usage.

Snackcourse generates automatically a landing page for each of your courses with a form where anyone can let his email and start receiving the lessons. You'll be able to edit the content on the landing page.

Once your landing page is okay for you, you'll be able to share the link wherever you want.

To trigger the emails, you just need to specify the frequency of sending and click on "Launch!"

Right now you can only send en email every day. We'll add more flexibilty soon.

When someone subscribes to a course, he'll receive each email one by one.
Launch your 1st course!
30-day free trial